2004 Vauxhall Monaro – Phantom Black – Minor Correction Detail
Booked for a 3 day Minor Correction and to be coated with SiRamik SC15. This Monaro had been used well and upon arrival it was clear that it hadn’t been washed for a long time and it was covered in swirls and buffer trails. A multi stage machine polish to lift the paint swirls and defects releasing the gorgeous metallic flake before applying 2 layers of SiRamik SC15 (a super durable ceramic coating that will easily last 2-3 years).
Upon arrival.
Upon arrival – buffer trails
Upon arrival – swirls
The money shot. Supercharger has been added to this early 5.7V8 making this car a beast!!!
Defects before
Defects after including 50/50
To enable better correction of the bonnet, the washer jets were removed and later coated with CarPro Dlux to bring back some of the colour. Having spent a couple of days up close to the Monaro, this was the only stonechip/touch-up that was present and I felt it let the rest of the paintwork down.
So I carefully wet sanded it with 5000 grit paper and then refined. The once ugly blob of paint was now looking good.
All coated up with SiRamik SC15 and prior to the customer collecting a coat of SC Mist was applied.
The finished article.